LaunchPad Boot camp 2024
Eight weeks. One life-changing entrepreneurial project.
Entrepreneurship program where students build unique projects - from ideation to execution to application.
Stand out on college applications
Get a 5-year head start on your career
Build a world-class network of peers and mentors
Get access to our next program starting April 22nd, 2024. Limited Spots available.
Click here to sign up for a free consultation!

Created plans for a Japanese
language learning AI bot
Admitted to Harvard!
Created a science journal featuring top cancer researchers
Admitted to UC Berkeley
Outcomes of this experience
A minimal viable
project or MVP
A 5-year college and
career roadmap
A written narrative
for applications

The Details
Five to Eight session cohorts. Choose from:
April 22nd - May 20th (5 Sessions)
May 6th - June 24th (8 Sessions)
Each cohort comes with interactive workshops, 1-on-1 mentoring, and a DEMO day.
Summer cohorts coming soon...
Cohorts are online or special cohorts are in-person.
Be All You's LaunchPad BootCamp is taught through interactive workshops where students learn from industry professionals, seasoned entrepreneurs, and guest instructors.
We look for ambitious high school and middle school students who are ready to get an edge for their future.
We separate cohorts based on age:
7th - 8th graders
9th - 10th graders
11th-12th graders
Bootcamp cohorts are between 5 to 15 students.

Types of Projects to Create
Basic AI Tools
Video Games
School Club
Mechanical builds
Research Project
Art Portfolios
Film content
Or create anything!

Build your future and start with a project
Be All You helps you ideate, test, protype, launch, and scale any idea you have for
college or to ignite a career path. Here's what you expect from our program:
Session 1
Students learn about how to ideate and brainstorm potential projects ideas using their passions, strengthens and future aspirations.
Session 2
Defining Your Project
Students pick one project, learn what a project MVP is and create value statements for their projects.
Session 3
Market Research
Students learn how to do market research and create a plan to market their project.
Session 4
Overcoming Challenegs
Students learn about grit and how to overcome the challenges that come their way. Students reach out to mentors for their project.
Session 5
Scaling Your Project
Students learn how to get the first users or customers of their project.
Session 6
Writing a Project Narrative
Students learn how to write and talk about their project in school, to parents and on the common app.
Session 7
Opportunity Landscape
Students create a 5-year college and career plan starting with the formation of their project and ending with their potential career.
Session 8
Being All You
Students learn how to present their project and give feedback to other students' projects.